OPENed Movement is an initiative that has been born in the city of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), aligned with the called of The World OER Congress held at UNESCO, Paris on 20-22 June 2012, recognizing “Everyone has the right to education” and believing that Open Education can expand access to education, knowledge transfer, social inclusion, and create a culture of collaboration and sharing among all actors impacting the educational system around the world.
OPENed Movement convokes Governments, education agencies, schools, middle schools, high schools, universities, the third sector, and all organizations and individuals involved in teaching and learning including galleries, libraries, archives and museums, to work together for achieving the Open Education become a reality that benefits all people.
OPENed Movement considers there is a sound economic case for Open Education: releasing publicly funded educational resources under open licenses represents an investment return on public spending.
There are an interesting number of initiatives and develop policy support and guidance to enable the culture shift required to embed Open Education across all sectors of education.
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