enero 29, 2018

Call for contributions

INTERNATIONAL FORUM (ETEP-D): Education and technology in and for diversity!


 26 and 27 April, 2018

 Medellín – Colombia

Important dates:

  • Abstract Deadline: 25 march
  • Acceptance notification:   April 2
  • Registration and Final version: April 8


Call for proposals

Session and submission formats

Submit your paper for publication as part of a special collection published by Research in Learning Technology

Submission, reviewing, and acceptance process

Submission criteria

Review criteria

Acceptance and conference registration

Submission process

Education is a human right that finds its greatest expression in article 26 of the World Declaration of Human Rights. As a right, it can not be seen as a privilege of a few, but as an opportunity for all people regardless of their physical, cognitive, ethnic, religious or other sociocultural conditions. Therefore, education has the mission to train people to participate effectively in a free society, promote understanding, tolerance, friendship among all nations, among all racial, ethnic or religious groups, and promote peace.

The international initiatives of UNESCO, the World Bank and some NGOs, together, have resolved in a consensual manner that all children have the right to be educated together, without any type of discrimination due to physical, cognitive or socio-cultural limitations, enhancing their abilities and attending to their support needs. In this sense, inclusive education is a means to equalize opportunities in terms of access and permanence to educational systems. Inclusive education has become a proposal that bets on an academy that embraces general diversity, without any exclusion. It is not a way to call special education or the integration of students with special educational needs, it is a proposal that aims to achieve a quality education for «all», with special emphasis on those who are in exclusion or at risk. to be.

In this context, the INTERNATIONAL FORUM (ETEP-D): Education and technology in and for diversity provides a space for local and international political dialogue on the advances in inclusion processes mediated by information technologies, as well as for the socialization of results of various research, development and innovation projects in the field of construction of an educational system in and for diversity.

ETEP-D 2018, Open Education for Peace is the space created to reflect on openness as a great opportunity to achieve true social justice that enables and provokes inclusion building a stable and lasting Peace in Colombia and throughout the Ibero-American region.

Call for proposals

OER18 is inviting proposal for presentations as Presentations and Posters. Your proposal needs to show clearly how your session will address one or more of the conference themes and should include recent research, case studies, practice or learner perspectives from any educational context, including schools, colleges, universities, industry, training and skills.

Keep in mind that the proposal you submit for review now will, if accepted, be used for inclusion in the conference programme and is the primary way that participants will choose which sessions to attend.

Session and submission formats

Presentations These will normally take the form of a 15-minute presentation followed by 5 minutes for questions.

Time: 20 minutes
Authors must send an abstract  with a word limit: 500 words

Posters Posters will be displayed in the conference area and should clearly address one or more of the conference themes.

Authors must send an abstract  with a word limit: 250

All proposals should clearly address one or more of the six main conference themes:

  • How open practices can contribute to the consolidation of society with social justice in which we all have access to education?
  • How can open educational practices consolidate a culture of stable and lasting peace?
  • How does Open Education foster learner diversity and support inclusivity?
  • What skills do students need and must develop to experience quality open learning?
  • What skills do learners need and develop in experiencing open learning?
  • Politics in action – what are your latest initiatives in support of learning and growth in Colombia?
  • How is OER learning from, and contributing to other open activities, e.g. open science, open source, open data, open access etc.?
  • Wildcard – what do we need to include? What have we ignored?

You are encouraged to consider ways to interact and involve conference delegates in your presentation or session and, where appropriate, you should leave time for discussion.

Each session will be chaired by a member of the Conference Committee who will help you run the session. If your proposal has multiple authors, you will need to nominate one session lead to act as the main point of contact in the run-up to the conference and whose name will appear in the programme as the primary contact for participants.

Submission, reviewing, and acceptance process

All submitted proposals will be double-blind peer-reviewed by members of the Conference Committee. After review and one cycle of revision and resubmission, the Conference Committee will select proposals for inclusion in (ETEP-D) 2018.

Submission criteria

  • The maximum word count is 500 words for presentation and 250 words for posters. Proposals that exceed the word limit will not be accepted or reviewed.
  • Presentation proposals should include references[1], which will be counted towards the 500-word limit. Ideally presentation proposals should include two or three references, and six at most. References should follow the Harvard System (parenthetical referencing – see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parenthetical_referencing).
  • Required fields for submission are: conference theme; session type; author name; email; affiliation; title; abstract.
  • All proposals will be double-blind peer-reviewed, so abstracts should not include the names or affiliations of the authors.
  • Contributions should not have appeared elsewhere, in whole or in part.
  • To ensure a suitably diverse programme, no individual can be named as the main author or presenter of more than one proposal, though they may be named as co-authors.

Review criteria

Proposals will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance (*). Relevance of the contribution to the conference topic ‘Open Education for Peace’ and to one or more of the conference themes.
  • Usefulness (*). Usefulness to conference participants from across all sectors of education in and from outside the Colombia
  • Structure and content (*). Clarity, coherence and conformance to guidelines.

Here education is considered broadly and includes formal and informal learning settings in schools, colleges, universities, the workplace, homes and communities, at any stage in learners’ lives.

Acceptance and conference registration

When a proposal has been accepted, at least one presenter must confirm she will attend the conference and do the registration that is free.

Submission process

Proposals should be be submitted via the Easychair at


Please make sure to follow the submission guidelines and note that you can only be lead author for one proposal.

 Document History

Date By Summary
2/10/2017 VR, DK, MD Updated for 2018.
19/10/17 MD Added OCS details
19/1/18 SB Added OCS details



This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

[1] ‘References’ may include website, blog posts, white papers or any other material related to your submission